Acrónimos y abreviaciones
| A | Ampere | |
| ADC | [1] analogue-to-digital converter, [2] apparent diffusion coeffcient | |
| ADP | adenosine diphosphatase | |
| AFP | adiabatic fast passage | |
| AM | amplitude modulated (frequency range) | |
| ARP | adiabatic rapid passage; → AFP | |
| ASSET | array spatial sensitivity encoding technique | |
| ASL | arterial spin labeling | |
| ATP | adenosine triphosphatase | |
| AUC | area under the curve | |
| b (value) | diffusion sensitivity s/mm² | |
| B | magnetic flux density, magnetic induction | |
| B0 | main magnetic field of an MR machine | |
| B1 | main magnetic field that the spins experience after an RF pulse | |
| BBB | blood brain barrier | |
| BIR | balanced inversion recovery | |
| BOLD | blood oxygen level dependent (effect) | |
| C | carbon; also: contrast; concentration | |
| CA | contrast agent | |
| CAT | x-ray computed axial tomography (CT) | |
| CBF | cerebral blood flow | |
| CBV | cerebral blood volume | |
| CE-FAST | contrast-enhanced Fourier-acquired steady state | |
| CE-FFE T1 | contrast-enhanced fast field echo (T1-weighted) | |
| CE-FFE T2 | contrast-enhanced fast field echo (T2-weighted) | |
| CE-FLASH | contrast-enhanced FLASH; → FLASH | |
| CE-GRE | contrast-enhanced gradient echo | |
| CHESS | chemical-shift selective pulse sequence | |
| CM | contrast medium | |
| CMR | cardiac magnetic resonance | |
| CNR (C/N) | contrast-to-noise ratio | |
| CP | Carr-Purcell (multiple echo pulse sequence) | |
| CPMG | Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (multiple echo pulse sequence) | |
| CSE | conventional spin echo (= SE) | |
| CSF | cerebrospinal fluid | |
| CSFFE | continguous-slice fast-acquisition spin echo | |
| CSI | chemical shift imaging | |
| CT | x-ray computed tomography | |
| CTA | x-ray computed tomography angiography | |
| CW | continuous wave (N)MR | |
| D | diffusion coefficient | |
| DAC | digital-to-analogue converter | |
| db | decibel | |
| DE FGR | driven-equilibrium fast gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state | |
| DEFAISE | dual-echo fast-acquisition interleaved spin echo | |
| DESS | double-echo stead- state (combination of FISP and PSIF) | |
| DFSE | double-fast spin echo | |
| DICOM | digital imaging and communication in medicine | |
| DSA | x-ray digital subtraction angiography | |
| DSE | double spin echo | |
| DTI | diffusion-tensor imaging | |
| DWI | diffusion-weighted imaging | |
| Dy | dysprosium | |
| ECF | extracellular fluid (space) | |
| ECG (EKG) | electrocardiogram | |
| EEG | electroencephalogram | |
| eff. TE | effective echo time (RSE) | |
| ELF | extreme low frequency (electromagnetic radiation) | |
| EPI | echo-planar imaging | |
| EPR | electron paramagnetic resonance = ESR | |
| ES | echo spacing (RSE) | |
| ESR | electron spin resonance = EPR | |
| E-SHORT | steady-state gradient echo with spin-echo sampling | |
| ETL | echo-train length (RSE) | |
| EPISTAR | echo-planar imaging and signal targeting with alternating radiofrequency | |
| f | frequency; commonly ν | |
| F | fluorine | |
| FA | flip angle; → α | |
| FADE | FASE acquisition double echo | |
| FAIR | flow-sensitive alternating inversion-recovery | |
| FAME | fast-acquisition multi-echo | |
| FASE | fast spin echo | |
| FAST | Fourier-acquired steady state | |
| FATE | fast turbo echo (= FADE) | |
| FC | flow compensation | |
| Fe | iron (ferrum) | |
| FE | field echo | |
| FEDIF | field echo with echo time set for water and fat signals in opposition | |
| FEER | field even-echo by reversal | |
| FESUM | field echo with echo time set for water and fat signals in phase | |
| FFE | fast field echo | |
| FFT | fast Fourier transform | |
| FGR | fast gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state | |
| FID | free induction decay | |
| FIESTA | fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition | |
| FISP | fast imaging with steady precession | |
| FLAIR | fluid-attenuated inversion recovery | |
| FLARE | fast low-angle recalled echo | |
| FLASH | fast low-angle shot | |
| FM | frequency modulated (frequency range) | |
| fMRI | functional MR imaging | |
| FOV | field of view | |
| FRE | field-reversal echo | |
| FS | [1] fast scan; [2] fat saturation | |
| FSE | fast spin echo | |
| F-SHORT | free (induction decay based) short repetition technique | |
| FSPGR | fast spoiled gradient-recalled | |
| FT | Fourier transform; (2D-FT, 3D-FT) | |
| FWHM | full width at half-maximum | |
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